Privacy Policy

Yarn guru is Pakistan’s only B2B marketplace that links competitive market prices.


Yarn Guru provides the foundation for the automation of Pakistan yarn market. The YG aims at not only modernizing the yarn techniques through transparency. Moreover, YG immense efforts towards better and transparent processes. YG has laudably achieved success and has effectively worked towards the aims and objective to support the market players and made their lives better.

We Are Commited to Protect Your Privacy

We collect the minimum amount of information about you, commensurate with providing you with a satisfactory service. This policy indicates the types of processes that may result in data being collected about you. Your use of this application gives us the right to collect that information and we vow not misuse your personal information.

Information Collected

We may collect all or any information like PHONE, CAMERA, SMS, CALENDAR, CONTACTS, LOCATION, INTERNETNET, SENSOR, STORAGE, MICROPHONE, together with data about your use of this application. Other information that may be needed time to time to process a request may also be collected as indicated on the application.

Information Use

We use the information collected primarily to process the task for which you visited the application. Data collected in PAKISTAN is held in accordance with the Electronic Data Protection Act and The Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act. All reasonable precautions are taken to prevent unauthorized access to this information.


Yarn guru is Pakistan’s only B2B marketplace that links missing links in the textile supply chain and ensures competitive market prices.
